Gmail For iOS Gets Update

Gmail For iOS Gets Update

If you are anything like me, your Gmail app went into the (not on this iPhone) column a few months after you downloaded it. It’s slow, IMAP at times is no better than POP, and sometimes just opening the app presents a challenge. Spinning icon anyone? But good...
Bob Costas Goes On Halftime Anti-Gun Rant

Bob Costas Goes On Halftime Anti-Gun Rant

After the first full day of hand ringing over the tragic events that saw Kansas City Chief Jovan Belcher, take the life of his girlfriend before turning the gun on himself in front of his coach, Bob Costas took to Sunday Night Football to express his opinion. It was...
iTunes 11 Is Now Available!

iTunes 11 Is Now Available!

If it’s raining, snowing or you are just bored where ever you happen to be, Apple may have just provided you the opportunity to bring a little fun into your day. The much promised and ballyhooed next evolution of iTunes has finally arrived! After saying it would...
The Republican Party Loves Men!

The Republican Party Loves Men!

One would have a hard time arguing the Republican party’s love of older White men. I’m sure there is a word or acronym for this sort of fetish in the gay community, or at least I hope there is. After the crushing defeat on November 6th, the Republican...
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome, Frack Yeah!

Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome, Frack Yeah!

If you ask me (I know you didn’t) Battlestar Galactica is one of the greatest television series of all time. I have watched it in full twice, and enjoyed it at the same level both times. It took me a minute to get past the ‘actor/model’ faces, and...