From piety to deceit, this fantasy thriller born from the book of Genesis, traces the bloodline of Seth Attenbury, the second-generation heir of Harold, the Christian patriarch, and Viola, the Jewish matriarch, to a land re-told and the chapter of herstory hidden in history.

The First Novel By Sheldon Strickland
Sheldon Strickland was born in Cleveland, Ohio. When he was eleven, his mother moved him and his younger brother to Southern California, where he grew up and met his wife. They then relocated to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Sheldon is an accomplished musician with album, film, and television credits, living his best life.
— It was the moment Harold prayed for. The hopes and dreams mulled over for more than two years. Here was the promise kept, the guiding beacon in the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. The young couple were face to face, surrounded by lives renewed. Harold wrapped his sturdy fingers around Viola’s dainty biceps, pulled her close, kissed her, and held her tighter than ever. His longings faded and his heart swelled. Viola could hear and feel the strength of its thump against her ear. A few feet from them, a pot-bellied, capped, and bearded fisherman tossed sardines to frenzied seagulls above him. Years later, Viola recalled honing in on the seagull overture during their embrace and how she delighted in their melody over the rhythm of his heart.
Harold took a small step back to wholly view her. It was then, she revealed – the moment she saw salvation in his eyes. He had stared the devil down on foreign soil. Soil that his pale, lanky frame, soft adolescent voice, and indefatigable avowal swore a generalship of righteousness on. Harold once told her, “Jesus found me fit. Fit to make use of my proposition.” Years later, Harold told his congregation, “I survived and saw Viola’s face…I heard her sweet voice. It was time to uphold my end of the deal.”